League Info

Just some basic pedigree information to help us draft your league's website and awesome modules!

League Name
Website URL
Public Phone Number
Public Email Address
League Address

Usually, your league's address would be the field or complex your league calls home.

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Account Owner

Don't worry, this is just your initial user with full admin rights. You can add as many other users as you need after you've finished registering your league, at no additional cost!

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Date of Birth
Confirm Password
Legal Stuff Our Lawyer Made Us Do It

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Start Your Free Trial

Your free trial will expire on January 16, 2023 and your card on file will be charged for the first of your recurring monthly charges at a rate of $100.00 per month. You may cancel at any time before that date and you will not be charged.
Registration Fees

Your monthly payments entitle you to access to every one of our carefully-crafted features except for new season registrations. For each season you create you will be charged a flat rate of $5.00 per player who registers, which will come out of the payments you receive in real-time. This is how we keep the platform alive, stable and constantly improving to serve you and your league better.

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